PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Check for errors and set status code and messages

%let err=%error_handle(i_errcode, i_cond, mac=, txt=, verb=no);


  • i_errcode : error code unique to the calling macro;
  • i_cond : condition - logical expression, will be evaluated and returned by the macro; when evaluated as true, status is set to error;
  • mac : (option) name of macro where error condition occured; default: not used;
  • txt : (option) error message, further information will be issued to the SAS log; default: no customised error message displayed;
  • verb : (option) verbose mode - parameter (yes/no/err/warn) used to issue message to the SAS log even if i_cond evaluates to false (yes), in case of error only (err) or none (no); default is err.


err : evaluated condition i_cond, either:

  • 1 (error detected, condition above cond is true),
  • 0 (no error, condition above cond is false).


If the condition i_cond is true, a message is being issued to the SAS log and the following macro variables are assigned:

  • G_PING_ERROR_MACRO (calling macro program where the error occurred) <- value of mac or UNKNOWN,
  • G_PING_ERROR_CODE(error code) <- value of i_errcode,
  • G_PING_ERROR_MSG <- value of txt (error message) or empty,

otherwise these macro variables are reset. They should be defined as global elsewhere (e.g., when setting default environment variables).

The calling program should determine the name of the macro program currently running with the following line of code at the top of the program:

%local l_macname;
%let l_macname = &sysmacroname;

Do not use &sysmacroname as the value of macro parameter G_PING_ERROR_MACRO directly, because it will have a value of error_handle (i.e., name of this macro).

If verb has value yes, a message is being written to the SAS log even when i_errcode is not a true condition.


%let l_macname=&sysmacroname;
%let var = 1;
%let cond=&var NE 0;
%let text=var is not 0;
%let res=%error_handle(ErrorDummy, &cond, mac=&l_macname, txt=&text);

returns res=1 and displays the following error message:

var is not 0

while evaluating the same condition on a different variable:

%let var = 0;
%let cond=&var NE 0;
%let res=%error_handle(ErrorDummy, &cond, mac=&l_macname, txt=&text, &text, verb=yes);

returns res=0 and displays (because of the verbose mode) the following OK message:

OK(EUSILC): No ErrorDummy in macro _EXAMPLE_ERROR_HANDLE (cond.: 0 NE 0)

Run macro %_example_error_handle for more examples.


This program is adapted from the macro _handleError distributed in SASUnit framework (the Unit testing framework for SAS programs, under GPL license...) into SPRING framework. For further information, refer to


Wilson, S.A. (2011): "The validator: A macro to validate parameters".

See also
