PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Count the number of pensioners and/or retired people of a given citizenship abroad, or in a given country by citizenship.

%pension_population_count(geo, year, zone=, idir=, ilib=, odsn=, olib=);


  • geo : a country code whose population is considered: both retired/pensioned people:

    • with the citizenship of this country,
    • with any citizenship but living in this country,

    are considered;

  • year : year of interest;
  • zone : (option) a list of countries or a geographical area; default: geo=EU28;
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library where to look for AROPE indicators (see note below); incompatible with idir; by default, ilib will be set to the value G_PING_LIBCRDB (e.g., library associated to the path G_PING_C_RDB);
  • idir : (option) name of the input directory where to look for AROPE indicators passed instead of ilib; incompatible with ilib; by default, it is not used;
  • odsn : (option) generic name of the output datasets; default: odsn=THS_POP;
  • olib : (option) name of the output library; by default, when not set, olib=WORK;


9 datasets are generated:

  • &odsn._RET_&geo._IN_FOR_&yy, &odsn._PEN_&geo._IN_FOR_&yy and &odsn._PENRET_&geo._IN_FOR_&yy contain the tables with total and sample populations of geo-national people (i.e. with citizenship PB220A=&geo) living "abroad" (any foreign country) and who are retired, pensioned and either of those two (retired or pensioned) respectively (grouped by country of residence),
  • &odsn._RET_FOR_IN_&geo._&yy, &odsn._PEN_FOR_IN_&geo._&yy and &odsn._PENRET_FOR_IN_&geo._&yy contain the tables with total and sample populations of foreign people living in geo (i.e. PB020=geo) and who are retired, pensioned and either of those two respectively (grouped by country of citizenship),
  • &odsn._RET_ZONE_IN_&geo._&yy, &odsn._PEN_ZONE_IN_&geo._&yy and &odsn._PENRET_ZONE_IN_&geo._&yy contain the tables with total and sample aggregated populations of foreign zone-national people living in geo (i.e. with citizenship PB220A in &zone, at the exclusion of geo, and PB020=&geo) and who are retired, pensioned and either of those two respectively (aggregated figure),

(where yy represents the last two digits of year, and with odsn and geo upcased when not already) all stored in the library passed through olib.


In order to generate the tables POP_PENRET_FOR_IN_UK_14 and POP_PENRET_UK_IN_FOR_14 of total populations of, respectively, foreign pensioned or retired people living in UK and UK-national pensioned or retired people living abroad, and similarly for 2015, like in the request below:

pension population count

you can simply launch:

%pension_count(2014, UK, zone=EU28);
%ds_export(THS_POP_PENRET_FOR_IN_UK_14, fmt=csv);
%ds_export(THS_POP_PENRET_UK_IN_FOR_14, fmt=csv);
%pension_count(2015, UK, zone=EU28);
%ds_export(THS_POP_PENRET_FOR_IN_UK_15, fmt=csv);
%ds_export(THS_POP_PENRET_UK_IN_FOR_15, fmt=csv);

then similarly with year 2015.


The status of a personed is evaluated as:

  • retired when PL031 = 7,
  • pensioned when (PY035G>0 or PY080G>0 or PY100G>0 or PY110G>0),
  • either retired or pensioned when any of the cases above occurs.