PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Select and append data from bulk databases (e.g., cross-sectional raw H, P, D and R tables) given a period and/or a list of countries.

%silc_db_select(time, geo=, db=, odsn=, ilib=, olib=,
cds_ctryxzone=META_COUNTRYXZONE, clib=LIBCFG);


  • time : a (list of) selected year(s); default: not set;
  • geo : (option) a (list of) string(s) which represent(s) ISO-codes or geographical zones;
  • db : (option) database(s) to retrieve; it can be any of the character values defined through the global variable G_PING_BASETYPES (i.e., D, H, P, R), so as to represent the corresponding bulk databases (files) to append to the output dataset(s);
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library where the bulk database is stored; default to the library associated to the full path given by the value &G_PING_PDB;
  • olib : (option) name of the output library where the datasets passed through odsn (see below) will be stored; default to WORK;
  • cds_ctryxzone, clib : (options) configuration file storing the description of geographical areas, and the library where it is stored; for further description of the table, see %meta_countryxzone.


odsn : output reference table(s) created as a concatenation (i.e. append operation) ot the bulk datasets extracted from the databases in db; in practice, all bulk datasets (files) with generic name of the form c&yy.&_db where:

  • _db is any element of db (i.e., either D, H, P, or R),
  • yy is composed of the last two digits of any element of time (i.e., if time=2014, then yy=14),

are retrieved from the database library ilib.


Run %_example_silc_db_select for examples.


Carr, D.W. (2008): "When PROC APPEND may make more sense than the DATA STEP".

See also

%silc_ds_extract, %meta_countryxzone.