PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Cast a given character variable into a numeric variable where numbers are attributed in sequence depending on the frequency of the corresponding category in the character variable.

%var_numcast(idsn, var, odsn=, suff=_new, ilib=WORK, olib=WORK);


  • idsn : input reference dataset, whose variable shall be cast;
  • var : name of the character variable that should be cast, i.e. all categories in var will be converted into numbers;
  • suff : (option) suffix to be added to the name of the cast variable; default: suff=_new, i.e. the variable a in idsn will be renamed as a_new;
  • odsn : (option) name of the output dataset; default: odsn=idsn so that the input dataset is in practice updated;
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used.


  • odsn : output dataset (stored in the olib library), containing the exact same data than idsn, plus an additional new variable (obtained as a concatenation of the original var name and suff) where all the categories of the variable defined by var are cast into a numeric variable;
  • olib : (option) name of the output library; by default: empty, and the value of ilib is used.


Let us consider test dataset #31 in WORKing directory:

geo value unit
AT 0.1 EUR
BG 0.2 NAC
LU 0.3 EUR
FR 0.4 NAC
IT 0.5 EUR

then the call to the macros:

%var_numcast(_dstest31, unit);

will return the updated dataset below:

geo value unit unit_new
BE 0 EUR 1
AT 0.1 EUR 1
BG 0.2 NAC 2
LU 0.3 EUR 1
FR 0.4 NAC 2
IT 0.5 EUR 1

Run macro %_example_var_numcast for more examples.


The values in the new variable are attributed in sequential order, from the most to the least frequent categories in var.


Wright, W.L. (2007): "Creating a format from raw data or a SAS dataset".

See also

%var_info, %var_rename, %digits.