PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Generate a dataset of random numbers generated with a uniform distribution U([0,1]). A macro version of SAS ranuni function.

%ranuni(dsn, sampsize, a=, b=, seed=0, int=no, lib=WORK);


  • dsn : name of the output dataset;
  • sampsize : sample size, i.e. desired number of observations in the output dataset;
  • a, b : (option) constants used to define the alternative distribution U([a,b]); if b is set and not a, then a=0; if a is set and not b, then b=10; default: neither a, nor b is set and only numbers ~ U([0,1]) are generated;
  • seed : (option) seed of the pseudo-random numbers generator; if seed<=0, the time of day is used to initialize the seed stream; default: seed=0, i.e. a random seed is used;
  • int : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set to force integer numbers; default: int=no;
  • lib : (option) name of the input library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used;


It will create the following variables, with size sampsize, in the output dataset dsn:

  • u : uniformly distributed float numbers ~ U([0,1]),
  • x : uniformly distributed float numbers ~ U([a,b]) if a and/or b are set,
  • n : integers uniformly distributed ~ U([a,b]) if a and/or b are set and int=yes.

while an index variable i (sequence from 1 to sampsize) is also kept.


The following commands:

%let seed=1;
%let sampsize=10;
%ranuni(TMP, &sampsize, seed=&seed, int=yes);

allows us to generate (since we use a fixed seed >0) the table TMP of pseudo-random numbers below:

1 u n
1 0.1849625698 2
2 0.9700887157 10
3 0.3998243061 4
4 0.2593986454 2
5 0.9216025779 10
6 0.9692773498 10
7 0.5429791731 5
8 0.5316917228 5
9 0.0497940262 0
10 0.0665665516 0

See %_example_ranuni for examples.


In short, this macro runs the following DATA step:

DATA &lib..&dsn;
do i = 1 to &sampsize;
u = ranuni(&seed);
%if not %macro_isblank(a) and not %macro_isblank(b) %then %do;
%if %upcase(&int)=YES %then %do;
n = &a + floor((1+&b-&a)*u);
%else %do;
x = &a + (&b-&a)*u;

See also