PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Generate name, label, code and test attributes used for quantile calculation and publication on Eurobase.

%quantile_attribute(quantile, cond, _name_=, _label_=, _case_=, _code_=);


  • quantile : definition of the desired quantile; it can be either quartile/4/Q (meaning: any of these 3), quintile/5/QU, sextile/6/S, decile/10/D or percentile/100/P; cond : condition to apply in the test; it should be a quoted string.


  • _name_ : upper case desired quantile (i.e., either QUARTILE, QUINTILE, etc...);
  • _label_ : label;
  • _case_ : case;
  • _code_ : (option) code of the quantile (e.g., P, D, S, Q or QU).


The following settings:

%let name=; %let label=; %let case=; %let code=;
%quantile_attribute(QUARTILE, %quote( < OUTW),
_name_=name, _label_=label, _code_=code, _case_=case);

returns the attributes:

  • name=QUARTILE,
  • code=Q,
  • `label= (P_25={LABEL=QUARTILE 1} *F=12.0 P_50={LABEL=QUARTILE 2} *F=12.0 P_75={LABEL=QUARTILE 3} *F=12.0);`
  • `case=(CASE WHEN &file..&inc < OUTW.P_25 THEN 1 WHEN &file..&inc < OUTW.P_50 THEN 2 WHEN &file..&inc < OUTW.P_75 THEN 3 ELSE 4 END ) AS QUARTILE;`

See %_example_quantile_attribute for more examples.