PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Provide the correspondance table between EU-SILC variables and Eurobase indicators.


A table named after the value &G_PING_VARIABLExINDICATOR (e.g., META_VARIABLExINDICATOR) shall be defined in the library named after the value &G_PING_LIBCFG (e.g., LIBCFG) so as to contain the correspondance table between EU-SILC variables (as used in the various databases: IDB/PDB/UDB) and indicators.

In practice, the table looks like this:

indicator survey lib AGE RB090 ARPTXX EQ_INC20 ... weight description
DI01 ECHP-SILC RDB 1 ... RB050a Distribution of income by quantiles
DI02 ECHP-SILC RDB 1 ... RB050a Distribution of income by different income groups
DI03 ECHP-SILC RDB 1 1 1 ... RB050a Mean and median income by age and gender
DI04 ECHP-SILC RDB 1 1 1 ... RB050a Mean and median income by household type
DI05 ECHP-SILC RDB 1 1 1 ... PB040 Mean and median income by most frequent activity status
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

In particular, it contains for each indicator present in the table (besides information about survey, storage library and description) the format identifiers (represented as numbers) used by the variables it depends upon, as well as the weight it uses . The definition of the formats associated to a given variable XX can be found in the configuration tables META_LABELVALUExFORMAT_XX of the &G_PING_LIBCFG library.

Creation and update

Consider an input CSV table called A.csv, with same structure as above, and stored in a directory named B. In order to create/update the SAS table A in library C, as described above, it is then enough to run:

%meta_variablexindicator(cds_varxind=A, cfg=B, clib=C);

Note that, by default, the command %meta_variablexindicator; runs:



Generate the table META_VARIABLExINDICATOR in the WORK directory:



  1. Eurobase online dictionary.
  2. Mack, A. (2016): "Data Handling in EU-SILC".

See also

%silc_ind_info, %meta_indicator_contents.