PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Create an indicator table from a common variable template and a list of additional labels.

%silc_ind_create(dsn, dim=, var=, type=, len=,
ignore_var_dim=no, force_Nwgh=no,


  • dsn : name of the output (created) dataset;
  • dim : (option) names of the (additional, Eurobase compatible) dimensions present in the generated dataset, i.e. used as breadowns for the indicator; dim is incompatible with var parameter (see below); default: dim is empty, i.e. the common template alone is used (see cds_ind_con below);
  • var : (option) when dim is not passed, it is possible to provide with the names of the EU-SILC source variables used as breadowns for the indicator; then, corresponding dimensions will be searched for in the configuration file that stores the correspondance table between EU-SILC variable and Eurobase dimensions (see cds_var_dim below); var is incompatible with dim parameter (see above); by default, var is empty and dim is used;
  • ignore_var_dim : (option)
  • type , len : (option) types and lengths of the (additional) fields; must be the same length as var or dim; see examples in %ds_create for further description; these are compatible with ignore_var_dim=YES only;
  • cds_ind_con : (option) configuration file storing the template for the indicator, i.e. generic variables common to EU-SILC indicators; by default, it is named after the value &G_PING_INDICATOR_CONTENTS (e.g., META_INDICATOR_CONTENTS); for further description, see %meta_indicator_contents;
  • cds_var_dim : (option) configuration file storing the correspondance table between EU-SILC variables and Eurobase dimensions; by default, it is named after the value &G_PING_VARIABLE_DIMENSION (e.g., META_VARIABLE_DIMENSION); for further description, see %meta_variable_dimension;
  • force_Nwgh : (option) additional boolean flag (yes/no) set when an additional variable nwgh (representing the weighted sample) is added to the indicator dataset; default: force_Nwgh=no, hence the variable nwgh will not be present in the output indicator;
  • lib : (option) name of the output library where dsn shall be stored; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used;
  • clib : (option) name of the library where the configuration files are stored; default to the value &G_PING_LIBCFG(e.g., LIBCFG) when not set.


In dsn, an empty dataset where the (list of) variable(s) provided in dim has(ve) been added to the following template table:

geo time unit ivalue iflag unrel n nwgh ntot ntotwgh lastup lastuser

In practice, the variable(s) in dim is(are) added in between unrel and n variables of the template.


Running for instance

%let dims=AGE RB090 HT1;
%silc_ind_create(dsn, dim=&dims);

creates the table dsn in the WORKing library as:

geo time unit ivalue iflag unrel AGE SEX HHTYP n nwgh ntot ntotwgh lastup lastuser

where all dimensions AGE, SEX, HHTYP are of type CHAR and length 15.

Run macro %_example_silc_ind_create for examples.


  1. The common variables in the template dataset cds_ind_con are defined by default. However, they may be parameterised since their names derived from the following global variables:
    geo G_PING_LAB_GEO
    time G_PING_LAB_TIME
    unit G_PING_LAB_UNIT
    ivalue G_PING_LAB_VALUE
    iflag G_PING_LAB_IFLAG
    unrel G_PING_LAB_UNREL
    n G_PING_LAB_N
    ntot G_PING_LAB_NTOT
    ntotwgh G_PING_LAB_TOTWGH
    In addition a column: | nwgh | G_PING_LAB_NWGH |

can be added when the flag force_Nwgh is set to yes.

  1. Since the type and length of the variables to insert are searched for in configuration dataset cds_var_dim (that stores the correspondance table between EU-SILC variables and Eurobase dimensions), either variablse var or dimensions dim must exist in the configuration file.

See also

%meta_variable_dimension, %meta_indicator_contents, %ds_create.