PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Compute common EU-SILC material deprivation indicators for longitudinal dataset.

% silc_ind_deprivation(survey, geo, time, odsn,
idir=, olib=, n=3, n_sev=4, n_ext=5,


  • survey : type of the survey; this can be any of the character values defined through the global variable G_PING_SURVEYTYPES, i.e.:
    • X. C or CROSS for a cross-sectional survey,
    • L or LONG for a longitudinal survey,
    • E or EARLY for an early survey,
  • geo : countries list;
  • time : year list;
  • odsn : (option) name of output dataset;
  • n : (option) number of items used as threshold for deprived condition; by default, n is set to the value of the global variable G_PING_DEPR_N (i.e., n=3);
  • n_sev : (option) number of items used as threshold for severe deprived condition; by default, n_sev is set to the value of the global variable G_PING_DEPR_N_SEV (i.e., n_sev=4);
  • n_ext : (option) number of items used as threshold for extreme deprived condition; by default, n_ext is set to the value of the global variable G_PING_DEPR_N_EXT (i.e., n_ext=5);
  • olib : (option) name of the output library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used.


In dataset dsn, the variables deprived, sev_dep and ext_dep defined over the population as follows:

  • for material deprivation deprived:
    value description condition
    0 not deprivedlack < n item(s)
    1 deprived lack >= n item(s)
  • for severe material deprivation sev_dep:
    value description condition
    0 not deprivedlack < n_sev item(s)
    1 deprived lack >= n_sev item(s)
  • for extreme material deprivation ext_dep:
    value description condition
    0 not deprivedlack < n_ext item(s)
    1 deprived lack >= n_ext item(s)


We can run the macro %silc_ind_deprivation with:

%let geo=AT;
%let time=2010;
%silc_ind_deprivation(dsn, &geo, &time);

returns in dsn the following values for the deprived, sev_sep and ext_dep variables:

HB010 HB020 HB030 deprived sev_dep ext_dep
2010 AT 26585000 0 0
2010 AT 26587001 0 0
... .. ... ... ... ...

Similarly, we can run the macro with:

%let geo=AT BE;
%let time=2013;
%let n_ext=8;
%silc_ind_deprivation(dsn, &geo, &time, n_ext=&n_ext);

returns in dsn the following values for the deprived, sev_sep and ext_dep variables:

HB010 HB020 HB030 deprived sev_dep ext_dep
2010 AT 26585000 0 0
2010 BE 49244000 0 0
2011 AT 26585000 0 0
2011 BE 49244000 0 0
... .. ... ... ... ...

Run %_example_silc_var_deprivation for more examples.

See also

%ds_check, %macro_isblank.