PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Conditionally append reference datasets to a master dataset using multiple occurences of PROC APPEND.

%ds_append(dsn, idsn, icond=, cond=, drop=, ikeep=_NONE_, lib=WORK, ilib=WORK);


  • dsn : input master dataset;
  • idsn : (list of) input reference dataset(s) to append to the master dataset;
  • drop : (option) list of variable(s) present in the input master dataset to be removed from the final output dataset; default: drop=, no variable is dropped;
  • ikeep : (option) list of variable(s) present in the input reference dataset(s) to be kept in the final dataset; note the use of the predefined flag _ALL_ so that a variable present in any of the idsn will be kept; default: ikeep=, i.e. only the variables present in dsn (and not listed in drop) are kept;
  • cond: (option) where condition/filter to apply on the master dataset; default: cond=, i.e. no filtering is applied;
  • icond: (option) where condition/filter to apply on (all) the input reference dataset(s); default: icond=, i.e. no filtering is applied;
  • lib : (option) name of the library with (all) reference dataset(s); default: lib=WORK;
  • ilib : (option) name of the library with master dataset; default: ilib=WORK.


The table dsn is updated using datasets in idsn.


Let us consider test dataset #32 in WORKing library:

geo value
BE 0
AT 0.1
BG 0.2
LU 0.3
FR 0.4
IT 0.5

and update it using test dataset #33:

geo value
BE 1
AT .
BG 2
LU 3
FR .
IT 4

For that purpose, we can run for the macro %ds_append using the drop, icond and ocond options as follows:

%let geo=BE;
%let icond=(geo = "&geo");
%let cond=(not(geo = "&geo"));
%let drop=value;
%ds_append(_dstest32, _dstest33, drop=&drop, icond=&icond, cond=&ocond);

so as to reset _dstest32 to the table:

geo value
AT 0.1
BG 0.2
LU 0.3
FR 0.4
IT 0.5
BE 1


  1. The condition/filter on the input master dataset are applied prior to any processing, using the following when both options drop and cond are set:
DATA &lib..&dsn(DROP=&drop);
SET &lib..&dsn;
WHERE &cond;
  1. Then, depending on the setting of option ikeep, the macro %ds_append may process several occurrences of the PROC APPEND procedure like this:
%do i=1 %to %list_length(&idsn);
%let _idsn=%scan(&idsn, &_i);

when ikeep=, otherwise it consists in a DATA step similar to this:

DATA &lib..&dsn;
SET &lib..&dsn
%do i=1 %to %list_length(&idsn);
%let _idsn=%scan(&idsn, &_i);
%ds_contents(&_idsn, _varlst_=var, lib=&ilib);
%let _ikeep&i=%list_intersection(&var, &ikeep);
&ilib..&_idsn(WHERE=&icond KEEP=&&_ikeep&i)
  1. If you aim at creating a dataset with n-replicates of the same table, e.g. running something like:
%ds_append(dsn, dsn dsn dsn); * !!! AVOID !!!;

so as to append to dsn a number n=3 of copies of itself, you should instead consider to copy beforehand the table into another dataset to be used as input reference. Otherwise, you will create, owing to the do loop above, a table with (2^n-1) replicates instead, i.e. if you will append to dsn (2^3-1)=7 copies of itself in the case above.


0. SAS institute: "Combining SAS datasets: Methods".

  1. Zdeb, M.: "Combining SAS datasets".
  2. Thompson, S. and Sharma, A. (1999): "How should I combine my data, is the question".
  3. Dickstein, C. and Pass, R. (2004): "DATA Step vs. PROC SQL: What's a neophyte to do?".
  4. Philp, S. (2006): "Programming with the KEEP, RENAME, and DROP dataset options".
  5. Carr, D.W. (2008): "When PROC APPEND may make more sense than the DATA STEP".
  6. Groeneveld, J. (2010): "APPEND, EXECUTE and MACRO".
  7. Logothetti, T. (2014): "The power of PROC APPEND".

See also