PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Create a working copy of a given dataset.

%ds_working(idsn, odsn, mirror=LIKE, where=, groupby=, having=, ilib=);


  • idsn : a dataset reference;
  • mirror : (option) type of copy operation used for creating the working dataset, i.e. either an actual copy of the table (mirror=COPY) or simply a shaping of its structure (mirror=LIKE); default: mirror=LIKE;
  • groupby, where, having : (option) expressions used to refine the selection when mirror=COPY, like in a SELECT statement of PROC SQL (GROUP BY, WHERE, HAVING clauses); these options are therefore incompatible with mirror=LIKE; note that where and having should be passed with %quote; see also %ds_select; default: empty;
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used.


odsn : name of the output dataset (in WORK library) where a copy of the original dataset or its structure is stored.


For instance, we can run:

%ds_working(idsn, odsn, mirror=COPY, where=%quote(var=1000));

so as to retrieve:

DATA WORK.&odsn;
SET &ilib..&idsn;
WHERE &var=1000;

See %_example_ds_working for more examples.


The command ds_working(idsn, odsn, mirror=COPY, ilib=ilib) consists in running:

DATA WORK.&odsn;
SET &ilib..&idsn;

while the command ds_working(idsn, odsn, mirror=LIKE, ilib=ilib) is equivalent to:

PROC SQL noprint;
CREATE TABLE WORK.&odsn like &ilib..&idsn;

See also
