PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Alter a dastaset using the SQL-based ALTER TABLE method.

%ds_alter(dsn, add=, typ=, modify=, fmt =, lab =, len = , drop = , lib=);


  • dsn : name of the input/output dataset;
  • add : (option) clause statement to add given variable(s) to the input idsn table;
  • typ : (option) data type of the added variables; this option is used only together with the clause add above;
  • modify : (option) clause statement used to change the width, informat, format, and label of given existing variable(s);
  • fmt, lab : (option) format and label to apply to modify clause; these options are used only together with the clause modify above; they must be of the same length as modify;
  • drop : (option) clause statement used to delete given variable(s) from the input idsn table;
  • lib : (option) name of the input library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used.


In the table dsn, the altered table depending on keyword clauses passed to the macro.


Let us consider the test dataset #32 in WORKing library:

geo value
BE 0
AT 0.1
BG 0.2
LU 0.3
FR 0.4
IT 0.5

we can then run for the macro %ds_alter with the add clause:

%let add=var1 var2 var3;
%let typ=char(10) num char(2);
%ds_alter(_dstest32, add=&add, typ=&typ);

so as to reset the table _dstest32 to:

geo value var1 var2 var3
BE 0 .
AT 0.1 .
BG 0.2 .
LU 0.3 .
FR 0.4 .
IT 0.5 .

Similarly, we can run the macro on test dataset #33:

geo value
BE 1
AT .
BG 2
LU 3
FR .
IT 4

with the modify clause:

%let var= geo value;
%let len= 20 8;
%let fmt= $20. 10.0;
%let lab= LAB1 LAB2;
%ds_alter(_dstest33, modify=&var, len=&len, fmt=%quote(&fmt), lab=&lab);

so as to set the output table _dstest33 to:

geo value
BE 1.00
AT .
BG 2.00
LU 3.00
FR .
IT 4.00

Let us finally consider the test dataset #34 which looks like:

geo time value
EU27 2006 1
EU25 2004 2
EA13 2001 3
EU27 2007 4
EU15 2004 5
EA12 2007 6
EA12 2002 7
EU15 2015 8
NMS12 2015 9

and run the macro %ds_alter with the drop clause:

%let var=time value
%ds_alter(_dstest34, drop=&var);

the output table _dstest34 will be set to:


Run macro %_example_ds_alter for more examples.


  1. In short, the macro runs (when one variable is passed to each parameter):
ALTER TABLE &lib..&dsn
ADD &add &typ
MODIFY &modify FORMAT=&fmt LABEL=&lab LENGTH=&len
DROP &drop
  1. When using modify clause, the column's data type is unchanged.

See also

%ds_select, ALTER, ALTER TABLE.