PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Create a simple list of replicated items with given length.

%let list=%list_ones(len, item=, sep=%quote( ));


  • len : desired length of the output list;
  • item : (option) item to replicate in the list; default: item=1, i.e. the list will be composed of 1 only;
  • sep : (option) character/string separator in input list; default: %quote( ).


list : output list where item is replicated and concatenated len times.


Simple examples like:

%let res1= %list_ones(5);
%let res2= %list_ones(3, a);

return res1=1 1 1 1 1 and res2=a a a respectively, while it is also possible:

%let x=1 2 3;
%let res1=%list_ones(5, item=&x);

returns res1=1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3.

Run macro %_example_list_ones for more examples.

See also

%list_append, %list_index.