PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Perform ad-hoc extraction for Eurostat press release on AROPE on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

%arope_press_news(year, year_ref=, geo=, idir=, ilib=, odsn=, olib=);


  • year : a (single) year of interest;
  • year_ref : (option) reference year; default: year_ref=2008;
  • geo : (option) a list of countries or a geographical area; default: geo=EU27 EU28;
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library where to look for AROPE indicators (see note below); incompatible with idir; by default, ilib will be set to the value G_PING_LIBCRDB (e.g., library associated to the path G_PING_C_RDB);
  • idir : (option) name of the input directory where to look for AROPE indicators passed instead of ilib; incompatible with ilib; by default, it is not used;
  • odsn : (option) generic name of the output datasets; default: odsn=PC_AROPE;
  • olib : (option) name of the output library; by default, when not set, olib=WORK;


Three datasets are generated:

  • &odsn._FIGURES_&yy contains the AROPE table with shares and total population,
  • &odsn._COMPONENTS_&yy contains the AROPE shares as well as its components (ARP, SMD, LWI) shares for both years of interest &year and of reference &year_ref,
  • &odsn._SERIES_&yy contains the evaolution of AROPE shares as well as its components from year of reference &year_ref till &year,

(where yy represents the last two digits of year) all stored in the library passed through olib.


In order to (re)generate the tables PC_AROPE_FIGURES_15, PC_AROPE_COMPONENTS_15 and PC_AROPE_SERIES_15, used for the tables of the 2015 press release below:

AROPE press news

you can simply launch:

%ds_export(PC_AROPE_FIGURES_15, fmt=csv);
%ds_export(PC_AROPE_COMPONENTS_15, fmt=csv);
%ds_export(PC_AROPE_SERIES_15, fmt=csv);


The publication is based on the following indicators:

  • PEPS01 for the extraction of AROPE total shares,
  • LI01 for the extraction of ARP tresholds,
  • LI02 for the extraction of ARP shares,
  • MDDD11 for the extraction of SMD shares,
  • LVHL11 for the extraction of LWI shares,
  • DI03 for the extraction of ARP equivalised medians.


  1. Website of the UN initiative for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty:
  2. Website of press releases on AROPE: 2015, 2016 and 2017.
  3. Sustainable development in the European Union – A statistical glance from the viewpoint of the UN sustainable development goals, edition 2016.
  4. Statistics explained on poverty and social exclusion.

See also
