PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Create an excel file containing the inventory of income benefit variables corresponding to given database (h or p), survey (cross-sectional, longitudinal or early) and period (year).

. silc_income_inventory time db [src]


  • time : a single selected year of interest;
  • db : database to retrieve; it can be any of the following character values:
    • D for household register/D file,
    • H for household/H file,
    • P for personal register/P file,
    • R for register/R file, so as to represent the corresponding bulk databases;
  • src : string defining the source location where to look for bulk database; this can be any of the following strings:
    • raw so that the path of the search directory is set to the RAW data,
    • bdb, ibid with the value of BDB location,
    • pdb, ibid with the value of PDB location,
    • udb, ibid with the value of UDB location.

### Example

. silc_income_inventory 2014 p

will create an Excel file: odirname\obasename.oformat.