PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Trim a given list from its duplicated elements and return the list of unique items.

%let luni=%list_unique(list, casense=no, sep=%quote( ));


  • list : a list of unformatted strings;
  • casense : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set to perform cases sensitive representation; default: casense=no, i.e. lower- and upper-case versions of the same strings are regarded as repeated elements and one only shall be kept;
  • sep : (option) character/string used as a separator in the input list; default: sep=%quote( ), i.e. the input list is blank-separated lists of items.


luni : output list of unique elements present in the input list list; when the case unsentiveness is set (through casense=no), luni is returned as a list of upper case elements.


We show some simple examples of use, namely:

%let list=A B b b c C D E e F F A B E D;
%let luni=%list_unique(&list, casense=yes);

returns: luni=A B b c C D E e F, while:

%let luni=%list_unique(&list);

returns: luni=A B C D E F.

Run macro %_example_list_unique for more examples.

See also

%clist_unique, %list_difference, %list_compare, %list_append, %list_find, %list_count.